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Tuesday, July 10, 2007 

Happy Birthday Micah!

My youngest daughter is turning 1 today. No more babies. That's okay though, I am ready to enjoy sleeping all night, rough housing with my family because I am not pregnant, and a hot meal every now and then. I remember when I first found out I was pregnant with Micah, oh the thoughts that ran through my head. Rayleigh was only three months old, our trailer was so small, could we really afford another child, and here it is one year later, and everythings just works out. We are blessed more now than we ever have been, and we couldn't imagine our life without her. She is so sweet and lovable, she loves her bunny, and she absolutely will not sleep anywhere except her crib. I just want to take time to thank the Lord for all of his blessings to me, especially my husband and our four children.

Jennifer is a Super Mom!8:07 AM 1 comments

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