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Tuesday, July 17, 2007 

Always wear a helmet.

Friday July 13, 2007 is a day I will never forget. I got a phone call at 11:00a.m. It was Dylan and Caleb's dad, He told me that he was carrying Dylan to the hospital, because Dylan had a bike wreck and needed stitches. They were in Hoxie, AR, which is about 5 hours away. I was at work, so I thought, just stitches I can deal with that I wasn't going to drive 5 hours. About two hours later, Jonathan called back and said that they were transporting Dylan to Children's hospital because he had a fractured skull and air was getting in to his brain. I immediately left work and my mother and I headed up to Little Rock. We arrived about 5 minutes before the ambulance. When the ambulance arrived, we were waiting outside, and their was my baby. He had a patch over his eye and a neck brace on. He was so happy and relieved to see his momma and nana. They immediately started taking more x-rays and a ct-scan. We waited and waited and waited. The whole time, I must tell you Dylan laid there with no pain medicine whatsoever because he had a concussion. Finally, at 6:30 p.m., after we found out that the skull was not depressed, he did not have to have surgery Praise God!, and they could sew the wound up. Dylan was very adamant that he did not want stitches, but he got 8 stitches anyway. They gave us specific instructions on how do deal with a head injury and take care of his stitches and at 9:00, we were ready to go home. Dylan is healing very well and he is dealing with his accident well. We are blessed that it was no worse than it was, and thanks to everyone for their constant love and prayers.

Jennifer is a Super Mom!8:33 AM 3 comments

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