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Thursday, May 25, 2006 

Here Comes Trouble

Laughter and crying all at once. My little girl is growing up. She took her first steps yesterday. She walked to the sprinkler. She loves water, the boys were playing in the sprinkler and she decided she wanted to play too. All at once, she stood up and took off.

Notice, the smile on her daddy's face in this picture.

I guess it took her so long to walk because her feet never touch the ground. She has the men in our family wrapped around her little finger. Whatever Rayleigh wants Rayleigh gets. Here are a few pics to show you just what I mean.

This is her daddy helping her stand up, right before she took her first steps.

This is Eric's dad, with Rayleigh. He rocked her to sleep.

This is Rayleigh with her bubba.
This is Rayleigh and Papaw David. She truly has it made doesn't she?

Jennifer is a Super Mom!5:02 AM 8 comments

Wednesday, May 10, 2006 

Okay, is it ever going to quit raining? I am having the hardest time keeping the floors clean at my house. I sweep 2-3 times everyday and still can't keep the grass and mud out. Enough griping. Everything is going to be okay, " I am not dissappointed for I trust in the Lord." This is the message, a guest speaker at our church, brought to us Sunday morning. It makes a lot of scense. If we can't get past the dissapointment, God is not able to move in our life the way He wants to. My husband and I have discussed this many time since Sunday, and are really trying to take it all in. I have felt so much better just knowing that I don't have to be dissappointed anymore, God can take what I would normally be upset about and turn it around for my good. I just have to trust him. No, it is not easy, yes I have failed many times since Sunday, but my dissappointing times have turned into moments, instead of days, weeks, or years. I can let go of my dissappointment easier, and allow God to move in my life. Thank you Lord for giving Eric and I the revelation knowledge to grasp this message, so that we might become better witnesses for you. Also thank you pastor Woody, for sharing this wonderful message. Check out pastor Woody Woodson at

Jennifer is a Super Mom!6:14 AM 5 comments

Friday, May 05, 2006 


I just wanted to share this. My oldest son Dylan finally learned to tie his shoe by him self. He is the biggest fan of my blog, and he asked me to post this. Also yesterday, I went to eat lunch with Dylan at school, and he wanted me to post the pics. He is growing up so fast, and I just want to be there every minute so I don't miss anything.

This is one of Dylan's friends. The cafeteria was wild. I appreciate all teachers because I do not know if I would have the patience to deal with these wonderful children all day. Just want to add Way to Go MES teachers.

Jennifer is a Super Mom!6:09 AM 3 comments

Wednesday, May 03, 2006 

The baby

I went to the doctor yesterday, he said everything looked good. My iron was real low. That explains why I am soooooooooo tired all the time. AAnnnddd he said It's a girl!!!!!! I am so excited. Two boys and two girls. This is going to be interesting. There is only one problem, we don't have a name for the baby. I know it will come to me, but I just can't find anything that satisfies me. Any suggestions? Eric wants to name her after me, but I don't know, we'll see.

Jennifer is a Super Mom!12:59 PM 3 comments

Monday, May 01, 2006 

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I know I did. Dylan and Caleb were at their dad's, and Rayleigh was at my dad's. Eric and I were home alone, so you know what weeeee did. That's right slept. Something I haven't done in a very long time. It rained all day Saturday, so we rented movies and rested. Sunday we went to church and had an absolutely wonderful service. It is Monday morning and I feel completely rested and ready for the work week. Tomorrow I go to the doctor. I will find out the sex of the baby. Yeah! Hope everyone has a great week. Here are some pics of Rayleigh with my dad this weekend..
I don't know who had more fun, Rayleigh or my dad.

Jennifer is a Super Mom!7:55 AM 3 comments

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