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Monday, July 30, 2007 

My Child My Child

Saturday Eric, the boys, and I went to Simmons Sporting Goods to see Michael Waddell. It was so fun. Everybody bought something for him to autograph. I got Season 4 DVD, Dylan got a hat and Caleb got a shirt. Caleb really wanted a toy gun, but it was so close to his birthday we decided not to get it. So this is the conversation between Eric and Caleb as we were leavin the Store.
Caleb- "I really wanted a gun"
Eric- " Your not getting a gun it is to close to your birthday."
Caleb- "But I needed a gun"
Eric- "You're going to need help if you don't hush"
Caleb- "What's a help?"
Eric couldn't answer for laughing so hard.
Caleb- "I don't need a help, I need a gun."
I thought that was so funny, I just had to share.

Jennifer is a Super Mom!8:35 AM 3 comments

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