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Thursday, November 16, 2006 

So Thankful

Today I just want to express my thanks. First and foremost I am thankful to you Jesus, for dying on the cross for my sins, the stripes that you took on your back that I may be healed, and your Word that is powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. Next I am very thankful for my husband. We have been married for two wonderful years now, and I truely love him more everyday. We made a vow on our wedding night to not let the sun go down on our wrath, and I can honestly say that we have never gone to bed mad at one another, we have sat up many hours to get it right, but we always do. Thank you Eric for your devoted time to the children, the housework, and yes Deerhunting. I am even proud you deerhunt, hey you could do worse. I would like to say that I am thankful for my children, Dylan because you were my first and you love me even after all of the mistakes I have made. Caleb, because you challenge me everyday and remind me to keep my cool and if I need anything to let you know. Rayleigh, I love you because you were my first girl, you bring so much joy to my life, and you brought me and papaw David back together. Last but certainly not least, Micah, you are my final child I named you after me in hopes that you would look like me, no luck, but you definately love me the most. My mother is my best friend, and I thank God for her everyday. My family and friends mean so much to me, and I can't list you all individually, but you know who you are. Everyone, I can't thank you enough, my life is complete, and I am honestly happy.

Jennifer is a Super Mom!12:29 PM 2 comments

Wednesday, November 15, 2006 

Out of a Slump

I guess I have been in a blogging slump, and really feel bad about it. I AM BACK! Things are going great with me I have got to post new pictures of my babies soon, I know shame on me. I just want to know how everyone is doing, and I hope to blog more soon.

Jennifer is a Super Mom!12:37 PM 2 comments

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